Annuities can be a great investment in retirement savings and wealth planning, but come at a cost. If the money is withdrawn from the pension before the contract is made, the insurance company usually assesses high fines. Can you withdraw money from an annuity?
At the beginning of January 2020, President Trump signed the Act “Every community for retirement (SECURE)”. Part of the bill is expected to increase the popularity of pensions. First, the law created a “safe haven” that reduces the risk that a plan participant will have to sue the plan trustee if the insurance company is unable to pay the promised pension. In addition, annuities sold under qualified plans are now more portable. If the annuity option is removed from the plan, the participant may release it from the scheme “in kind” instead of canceling the option.
How pensions work
Annuity is a unique investment tool managed by a life insurance company, not a traditional brokerage house. One way to buy a pension: you deposit money on your pension over the years of work, and the increase is deferred until you start receiving payments after you retire. At this point, both the principal and interest are reimbursed in a series of regular payments.
Penalties and surrender fees
The advantage of an annuity is the peace of mind it can offer: regular, guaranteed income over all retirement years. However, the product has many disadvantages. The biggest one is your inability to withdraw money before you reach 59 without paying high fees and penalties – just like any other retirement account, such as a 401 (k) or individual retirement account.

Sale and withdrawal
The payment of money from the pension includes cooperation with the insurance company that issued the contract. You may be charged fees and penalties for earlier withdrawals.
In addition, you cannot withdraw money from an annuity created to finance the structured settlement. Only annuities purchased as part of a long-term financial strategy to guarantee income later in life allow you to withdraw funds.
Unlike payouts, selling an annuity involves transferring future payments to a third party known as a factoring company.
In exchange for transferring the cash in advance, the factoring company that buys your lifetime payments will want something in return – profit. And this profit will come in the form of a discount.
The difference between the value of your payments and what the factoring company gives you is called the discount rate. This number varies depending on the amount you sell, the date your company received the payment, and current market conditions.
Maintenance allowance option
The upkeep option is a voluntary feature that can be purchased for an additional fee. Under guaranteed minimum benefits of accumulation, withdrawals are not allowed in the initial minimum investment period, but the investment will not fall below the principal investment amount, regardless of market performance. Under the guaranteed minimum payment benefit, the guaranteed payment is at least the amount of the main investment and can be transferred to the beneficiaries. Thanks to the guarantee of minimum income, the investor is guaranteed a certain rate of return on the main investment.